Thursday, March 8, 2007

Questions on Death

* Rated for disturbing contents, please avoid if topic on death is sensitive
to you. Thank you*

Have you guys really thought about death before?

Yeah I know I sound morbid, but I was just thinking about it. Maybe something reminded me about this inevitable cycle of life ...cause...My grandma is really, really sick and at the same time, Jade's grandma is really, really sick too. Sadly, its all the matter of time for them to just let go.

If you checked the dictionary, the meaning itself is depressing. 1) to stop living (thats alright). 2) to stop existing. to DISAPPEAR (huh?)

I am a Christian, but I admit that I am low on faith. I have my doubts and "what if's" running through my head. Okay. So - what IF there is no God? No God means no heaven. Then where would our souls go? Do we even HAVE a soul? What if our bodies ARE our souls, attached to each other, and when we die, our soul dies out too. And we just... poof. DISAPPEAR from this world. Like the dictionary said. We're like nothingness, buried into the sands of the earth together with our corpse. We stop to exist and the world will still go on.

Or lets say that we do have souls. That would explain the "ghosts" still roaming around this world, right? So why are they still stuck here? Are they going to be here for eternity? Will we suffer the same fate of being restless, non-verbal spirits with a come-and-go apparition?

Okay now lets say that there IS a heaven, and miraculously, some of us are allowed to get in despite our gezillion sins. What do we do in heaven anyway? I heard, that all we're going to do there is worship God for eternity, and nothing else. And the bible says that we're going to be really happy there just singing and praising God. Personally I think its really boring. Not to mention depressing. I mean..No clubbing, no social events, no shopping, no conflicts, no bad jokes, no "naughty" doings...nothing of that.

When you look up at the emptiness of the skies above, seriously, you just have to wonder what is really up there. Cause it looks like nothing is up there for you. After the four layers of the skies, its space. Angels don't live in space. Okay maybe heaven is in a different dimension, right. But what dimension? Is it all just in our dreams and imagination? Is that the only way to get there, by dying and letting our minds wander off to this perfect paradise?

Our perceptions on death changes over time. I remember when I first asked my mom what dying was, ( i was probably 4/5 or sth) I was scared. I can imagine being buried into the ground and I would be all alone forever, suffocating. Of course, when we're dead we can't feel that, but well you know, kids think differently. And then when I was in my teens, (13-14 like that) It didn't scare me at all, wanted to die even at times. Haha. Now its just neutral, but you get my point.

So if we are all going to die anyway, why are we scared to do so many things in this lifetime? Its not like we have such a long time to live to postpone everything. We don't know when our time is going to be up. Holding back on doing some crazy things is just a waste. Oh. And like, what if we have been stressing out on studies, studies and pursuing the perfect "you" ..and then a 3 tonne petrol truck just mow you down on your way home from school? Its like "your whole life" was just wasted on studying for nothing. Geez. I'd be a pretty frustrated ghost.

In conclusion, this just proves that I think too much. I need a break.

Friday, December 8, 2006

My Bruh-der

This is my brother. His name is Jaden.

He's eight years old, but he cannot talk. He is also different from the
other children. Oblivious to the world and keeps to himself.

That's because he is born with Autism disorder.
If you're wondering what the hell that A word is...
Then my hidden mission is accomplished.
An Autistic Child's Prayer : Before I go to Sleep

Mommy, don't you cry now and Daddy don't you weep

I want to whisper something before I go to sleep

I know that when I came here I looked perfect in every way

And you were so proud, Daddy; when you held me on that day

And Mommy, when you kissed me and wrapped me up so tight, I knew that I belonged here and everything was right

But then I stopped talking and began to slip away, I saw your worried faces as you knelt by me to pray

And Daddy, I always notice how you wipe away a tear, When you watch the other children as they run and laugh and cheer

I may not be able to tell you how much I love you so, Or even show you how I feel and what I really know

But when you hold me, Mommy, at night when all is still, I feel the love you have for me and I know that all is well

And Daddy, when you take me to the park to run and play I know that you still love me though the words I cannot say

I want to tell you something before I go to sleep. I may be sort of direct and you may not understand, I know that I am not that little child that you and Daddy planned

But I love you both so very much and I know you love me too, And if I could only speak my heart, you would feel my love for you

I know the future is unknown... and you will always have to be the ones who love and listen and take good care of me

I know that you are frightened and you shed so many tears, And if I could I'd wipe them dry and take away your fears. So Mommy, don't you cry now and Daddy please don't weep

I want to say…I love you both, before I go to sleep.